Thursday, May 13, 2010

27th SketchCrawl Event

The 27th SketchCrawl Event will begin tomorrow at 11 am sharp in
Mr. Beans Coffee Shop at 100 ft Road, near BDA Complex in Kormangala, Bangalore.

Its open to all global event where one can sketch and paint anything in any city.
For more details, check the 'forum' link under

Have a look at a link for earlier sketchcrawl event:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

23rd Worldwide SketchCrawl

Those interested to draw, lets meet @ Bangalore Palace, 11 am on saturday 11, 2009.
Know more @

Sunday, May 3, 2009



04,Westminster, 13, Cunningham Road Bangalore - 560052.From 9th May to 13th May 2009 Timiings 11 a.m to 7 p.m Sunday - 11 a.m to 3 p.m

By Chief Guest: Shri Nandiesh Reddy MLA

Inauguration time: Saturday 9th May at 11 a.m.
Guest of Honour: Maj Gen (Dr) Anju Manchanda VSM C.A.O Vydehi Institute or Medical Sciences and Research Center. Lake Warden - Vibhuthipura Lake.
Host Dignitary: Ms Shiela Devraj - Director APSA

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whats Happening Folks?

Why is everybody so silent?
I have been waiting for people to send the pictures so that I can post those pics on the new blog. Even I haven't had enough time to create the new blog, but that hardly takes any time. I am just waiting for everyone to send their pics so that as soon as I create the blog I can also upload some good amount of content on it.
is it that everyone is busy painting?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ms. Usha - 'Plein Air' Painting camp at Lal Bagh

March 27th was a very memorable day for me. Not only because it was our Telugu New Year - Ugadi, but also because I spent most of the day at Lal Bagh - Bangalore, doing what I like most in my life- namely painting.

We, the members of 'Bangalore Art Forum' met at Lal Bagh on this day and completed our first activity namely 'plein air painting' successfully; as scheduled.

It was a very pleasant day, as only Bangalore is blessed with such a wonderful climate; as far as I know. Painting the nature under the shadow of the trees with a gentle breeze blowing against the face, and with six other artiists for company was an exhilerating experience. Artists who painted along with me are senior aritist Jagdish Kadur, Jyothirmoy (founder), Subodh, Sankar and Prabha.

'Plein Air' painting as it is popularly called in French; actually means 'painting nature on location'. It is the ultimate challenge for artiists of the realistic school of art to do this. I am looking forward to many more activities that is going to make our 'Bangalore Art Forum' a grand success.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

CKP Meet

Hi Friends,

Our next meeting 12th March, Sunday at Chitrakala Parisad 4pm sharpPlease send confirmation mail to - or call 9739445504

Thursday, April 2, 2009